I have been desperately trying to locate copies of this show from the 70s that I used to watch as a kid. It was called The Fantastic Journey and aired for 10 60 minute episodes on NBC from Feb 1977 to June 1977. It starred Roddy Mcdowall, Ike Eisenmann, Carl Franklin and Jared Martin. The premise was that a group of people where stranded on a island in the Bremuda Triangle and that all different times existed at once on this island and the group went back and forth in time each episode trying to find a way home. The show has been brought up as inspiration for many recent shows including Otherworld, X-Files, Sliders and even LOST. If anyone could help me find this series I would be most grateful.
Wow, I can't believe I've never heard of this show. I'd love to see some episodes - sounds like a franchise begging for an update. Is there an episode guide/plot synopsis website online anywhere?
Just came on your blog by BE - nice!
Okay...I fell onto this by doing a blog search for Roddy McDowall.
Then, I read about Ike Eisnemann in the same post...
Two of my heartthrobs from childhood!!
There are several entire-series dvd sets available on eBay. These are not official studio releases, so you'll be taking a chance on the quality of the video. If the shows were taped from the Scifi channel, where the series was rerun almost ten years ago, then there might even be extras in the dvd set like the interviews of Roddy McDowall and Bruce Lansbury that were made exclusively for the Scifi channel.
There's an episode guide in xmoppet.org.
Please sign the petition for the Official DVD for "The Fantastic Journey".
DVD campaign info can be found here:
Also www.fantasticjourney.bravehost.com
If links don't work click my profile photo and check out my blog: lots of TFJ photos and musings.
Enjoy and thanks for posting this!
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