I have always had to vent my rage and frustration at the practice of having multiple releases on DVD of the same film. Now don't misunderstand, sometimes the 2nd release is much better, sporting new extras and a extended cut worthy of the release. Some examples of this is Legend, the Alien movies and most recently Sin City. But sometimes there is really no reason for it. As with this .............
Sony Pictures has announced another release of the movie Black Hawk Down. The new release is being dubbed as The Extended Cut with a whopping 8 minutes, yes that's right..8 minutes of added footage. This will mark the 4th release of this movie on DVD. Come on,,,don't you think that 4 releases of the same movie is pushing it a little. And to top it off the new release will have no new extras, just rehashings of what appeared on the 3-Disc release. So now you have the choice of the normal release (widescreen or full), the 3-disc Deluxe Edition, the Super-Bit edition and now the Extended Edition. There is no way that I would shell out even more money for eight more minutes of film. In my opinion the best version has been the 3-disc set. It had a great transfer and tons of extras including the History Channel doc on the real-life events of the movie.
So a 4th release of a movie. And there is more coming. Upcoming new releases included so-called Extended Editions of Enemy Of The State, Crimson Tide and even Con Air. Will they really be worth it. If I am going to spend more money on a movie I already have it better really be worth it. Look at the Lord Of The Rings Trilogy. The 2nd release Extended versions had over 60 minutes of additional footage and so many extras you had to spread your viewing over days, now that is worth spending money on. But 8 minutes,,,sorry Sony, I will have to pass on that.