A few months ago Dell unveiled its new XPS 600 Renegade Super-Gaming computer. It was being toted as the extreme of the extreme, with 4 GeForce 7900 Graphic Processors, 2GB graphic memory, NVIDIA nForce SLI Chipset, Pentium Dual-Core at 4.26GHz, 2 HHD, 2 GB ram and a flaming custom paint job by Mike Lavalle of Killer Paint. For those who don't understand all the computer mumbo-jumbo, just say its the computer of any gamers wet dreams. Dell only made a undisclosed limited supply of these babies and they sold for the rock bottom price of $9,930.00. Yes that is not a typo, almost $10,000 for a computer, and that does not even include a monitor. You must really have a lot of disposable income to drop that much on a computer. I am more than happy with my 4 yr old HP and my Dell laptop.
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