OK, a friend sent me a link to this Family Guy snippet. It pretty much explains itself. Don't eat while watching. You have been warned.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Dinosaur On Film.
This short clip is from Japan and shows a very rare Frilled Shark that wandered into the shallows off the coast. This is truly an amazing looking sea creature. Looks like a lost link in the evolutionary ladder. Very creepy. Could be the next challenge for Godzilla or its already being served as expensive sushi in Tokyo.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Accident On Invasion Set.
On all the news channels this morning is the news of the accident that occurred on the set of the new movie Invasion starring Nicole Kidman. As can be seen in the video, the rig truck hauling the car set-piece looses control and strikes a light pole. Now everyone has been talking about poor Nicole and how shook up she was. she went to the hospital to be checked and was released with no injuries. I really feel sorry for the actors clinging to the outside of the vehicle. If you watch the video you see 2 of them fly about 15-20 feet after the impact, what about them ?? Nicole was safe inside the vehicle, it wasn't that bad of an impact for someone inside. I am sure the Director saw dollar signs flying out the window after that impact until he knew she was ok.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Ninja Warrior or How I spent My Down Time.
I had about a 4 week down time during my last surgery that I spent in bed or in my lazy boy. So in between marathon Xbox sessions I was able to catch up on some TV shows and movies I have had lying around. One about midnight I was flipping channels and stumbled across a Japanese show on G4 called Ninja Warrior. After about 30 minutes I was hooked. Unlike a few other Japanese shows on US TV, this was a serious competition. the contestants ranged from Olympic athletes, wrestlers and gymnasts to regular working men. Truly some amazing feats of strenght, agility and speed are shown off thru the competition which starts out with 100 men. Through the coarse of the 4 events the men are whittled away. The goal is to reach the 4th and final stage and the grand prize. The day I watched all 100 dropped out on the 3rd stage. Below is a video of Makoto Nagano, only the 2nd man to ever complete all 4 stages and win. I think I could make it over the first jump on the first stage, then just fall to the ground and lay there for a couple days.
Book Review : The Road

The Road
by Cormac McCarthy
Knopf Publishing 2006
241 pages Hardcover
Sometimes I am very bad with jockeying books around on my reading list. Some move to the top and others continually move up and down but don't get read. I am sorry to say that the later happened to The Road by Cormac McCarthy. I received the book in with about 3 others and it sat on the self and was passed over many times as new books piled in around it. Last month it started appearing on several lists as the top book of 2006, so I dug out my copy. Not reading this book right away was the biggest mistake I could make.
McCarthy's book is unlike anything I have ever read. McCarthy has written some dark , dreary books in the past, and this one follows suit. But the mood is what makes the story and just drags you along page by page through its sparse prose storytelling.
McCarthy has written a story that doesn't bog you down with tons of back-story and character development. The story takes place in a post-apocalyptic world, this we know. What has exactly happened and why is never revealed. The landscapes is often described as gray and dead, ash falling like rain, no animals, no trees. We follow the travels and trials of a father and his son. No names, no ages and only small hints of thier past is ever revealed. This is actually a good thing. You find yourself totally engrossed by the characters only referred to as The Man and The Boy. You are thrust into thier world of hardship from the first page and it never lets up. Your spirits raise when they stumble upon good fortune and your nerves jump when they come across the horrors that this new world has spawned. It is a tight and hard-written story that keeps you on edge till the end, and I challenge the strongest reader not to slump into thier chair during the last chapter, which you know is coming but spend the entire story hoping it won't.
Cormac McCarthy has made a new american masterpiece which in my opinion should be on everyones reading list for years to come.
Monday, January 22, 2007
On to the Superbowl !

Now isn't this a interesting situation. 2 teams that I want to root for are together in the Superbowl. Being a south-side Chicago boy pulls at my very roots to cheer on the Bears, while my Indy transplanted side wants the Colts. I have to say that both games yesterday where a thrill to watch and had their ups and downs. Payton only managed to give us only a few minor heart attacks thru the coarse of the game.
So who to root for. Mrs. G will wear her old Bears Superbowl Shuffle shirt and cheer the Bears , and I will cheer on the good ol Colts. So whoever wins, we have a winning team.
Time keeps on slipping............
Wow, it has been a long time since my last post. Sorry for the long absence. After some a lot of work at home, a engagement announcement, a surgery and now a long recovery,,,,I am finally going to try and start up posting again.
I you are a past reader checking in, then welcome back. If you are a new reader, stop back often and you might just catch something that interests you.
I you are a past reader checking in, then welcome back. If you are a new reader, stop back often and you might just catch something that interests you.
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