Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Thoughts And Prayers .
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Rue Morgue Magazine. Giving Fango A Run For Its Money.

So if you happen to be out at your local book store, take a chance and pick up a copy of Rue Morge.
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Would You Pay $1200.00 For A XBOX 360 ??

It is still months away from the release of the new XBOX 360 (supposedly November 15 at this time) and the retailers "Bundle Wars" have already begun. Like the release of just about any major system, the retailers try to put together a special package unique to their store and charge the buyer sometimes outrageous prices. Well, GameStop has struck first with what they are calling their "Ultimate Bundle" for the rock bottom price of $1,199.83. Yep that's right, it's not a typo, almost $1200 for a XBOX 360. Basically it is the XBOX Bundle which retails for $299 plus several of the of the launch game titles. Here is a breakdown of the "Ultimate Bundle"
XBOX 360 System
Perfect Dark Zero Collector's Edition
Project Gotham Racing 3
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Dead or Alive 4
Call of Duty 2
Quake 4
Tony Hawk's American Wasteland
Madden NFL 06
Xbox 360 Wireless Controller
Xbox 360 Play and Charge Kit
Xbox 360 Rechargeable Battery
Xbox Live 12 Month Card
1 Year Product Replacement Plan
The inclusion of the games is cool for those who think they need to have every title, but there are probably only 4 games on the list I would personally buy. Also if you sit and do the math this package is still more expensive then if you purchased thing separate. The games themselves are the brunt of the price at $660.00 ($59.99 each), the XBOX is the normal bundle at $299 and the remaining accessories are about $162. Your total separate would be $1,121.00. The other way to do this would be to purchase the XBOX "Pro Bundle" which includes all the accessories listed plus more (like the headset,20 GB harddrive and included Live account) which would be $399, which would make your total only $1059.00. Another thing to remember is that without the harddrive add-on you will not be able to play the choice XBOX games on our XBOX 360.
Also all the games listed in the bundle might not be released on the launch day. This has happened in the past when a developer just doesn't make the cut-off date. So you might not get all the titles you paid for and will have to wait for their release.
So as the price wars heat up, remember to be careful and shop safe. Sometime the dazzling package deals are not what they seem to be.
Matt Wagners' GRENDEL Heads To Warner Bros.
Wagner created the Gendel character back in 1982 and over the years the character has evolved to span centuries and some of the most interesting and thought provoking stories ever put into comics. The Grendel character started with Hunter Rose and his fight against the wolf Argent. After the death of Hunter the next grendel to arise was Christine Spar, Hunter's grandaughter, who took up the mantel when her son was kidnapped by a vampire kabuki actor. The next Grendel, if only for a span of weeks was Brian li Sung, the boyfriend of Christine Spar, who died during her battle with the vampire. Brian took up the mask for revenge and was killed shortly after. After the span of centuries the story continues with Eppy Thatcher, an addled drug addict trying to upset the status quo. After another passage of time we come into the time of the Grendelkhan and then that of Grendel Prime. There is just too much to really go into detail. There are over 100 various issues of Grendel and most can be located easily at your local comic shop. Though some of the earliest Comico and Primer issues might be a little harder to find. You can check out matt Wagner's official site here.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Halo Movie Has A Green Light.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005
2 Beowulf Movies On The Horizon.

Well actually it is 1 on the horizon and 1 still lingering in the dark.
A quick history for those who might not be familiar with the story. Beowulf was a Anglo-Saxon work of prose and is considered oldest written English language myth. It centers around the warrior Beowulf and his battle with the monster Grendel. It has also been said that Beowulf helped inspire J.R.R. Tolkien in the writing of The Lord Of The Rings. There have been several different publications of the story over the years and you can locate a copy and just about any book store or library. There is also a animated Beowulf movie from many years back.
The first one out of the gate is Beowulf and Grendel, directed by Sturla Gunnarson from a script by Andrew Rai Berzins. The cast includes Gerard Butler as Beowulf, Sarah Polley as Selma and Ingvar Sigurdsson as Grendel. The movie was filmed entirely on the South coast of Iceland. The film is now in post-production and will premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival in September. Out of the 2 new movies, this one does have the smaller budget and not as much star-power behind it, but could be closer to the source material and is at least live-action. The Icelandic born Director has already stated how important the original work is to him and appears to be taking this production as a work of the heart and not just as a money-maker. They have a very nice website with a lot of production shots and loads of information. There is even a link on the site to go to read the original wok with translations.
The second adaptation, titled Beowulf, is still in the early pre-production stages and has yet been given a start date. This one will be directed by Hollywood heavyweight Robert Zemeckis from a script by Roger Avery and comic great Neil Gaiman. So far some top stars have signed on for the movie, including Angelina Jolie, Ray Winstone, Anthony Hopkins and Robin Wright Penn. One thing that stands out is that this will be a animated feature film. It will use the performance-capture technology used in the making of The Polar Express. At this point I cannot really grasp this idea for this kind of source material, but I guess time will tell. The movie will be distributed by Paramount Pictures.
So we have 2 movies springing from the same source material, but taking 2 different views. I have been a Beowulf devotee since first reading the work back in the dark-ages of school. The Beowulf and Grendel movie I believe will be the better of the 2, with the directors view and a solid cast, I look forward to it's release.
Monday, August 22, 2005
The Corpse Bride.

calendar for the Sept 23rd release.
Friday, August 19, 2005
Does Hollywood Have Any Original Ideas Left ??
Thursday, August 18, 2005
V For Vendetta Release Changed.

XBOX 360 Pricing Announced.

Microsoft has officially announced the pricing plan for the release of the XBOX 360 next gen system. The system is set for a Holiday 2005 release and will be available in 2 configurations. There will be a "Core System" release that will be priced at $299.99 and consist of the base console and 1 wired controller. That's about as bare boned as you can get. The second configuration is being called the "Premium Package" and will be priced at $399.99. This may sound like a lot, but for the extra $100.00 you are getting over $250.00 worth of accessories over the Core system. In the Premium package you get the 20GB hard drive,1 wireless controller,XBOX live headset,"chill" white faceplate,metallic detailing,component HD-AV cable,Ethernet cable and a wireless media remote control.
One thing that stands out is that the Core system has no hard drive, which means no storage. How will you be able to save games? The system would have to have some small internal flash memory or you are forced to buy the $39.99 64 MB memory unit. Also when the unit was shown at E3 it was being toted for its hard drive and wireless controller which led many to believe this would be the base configuration, so a lot of people will be slightly upset by this news. This is also surprising because Microsoft has always stated how beneficial the hard drive is to game play. So is this because they cannot afford to sell the unit as it was originally presented, or are they just trying to make more money off the product by making you have to by the Premium set to have everything you need. And with Microsofts lock-down on on all 3rd party accessories, they will have total control of the market. Another key point is that it appears the the base system will not be backwards compatible due to the fact that the hard drive is needed to optimize the games from the original system. It is going to be very interesting to see how much more changes by the release date.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Back From The Wild.
Monday, August 01, 2005
Warner Bros. Fall Release List.

GTA Fallout Continues.........
Shadow Of the Colossus.