Saturday, August 27, 2005

Matt Wagners' GRENDEL Heads To Warner Bros.

After years of rumors and speculation, it finally looks like Matt Wagner's Grendel character will soon be coming to the silver screen. matt Wagner, the creator of Grendel and Mage spoke with IGN Comics last week and stated he was close to signing a movie deal with Warner Bros. to produce a feature film. It will be produced in conjunction with Dark Horse Entertainment and Arsenal Entertainment. Carl Lund has been attached to adapt the project, hopefully with the guidance of Matt Wagner. So far it is unknown which Grendel the movie will cover, but it is supposed that Lund's script centers on the Christine Spar story line.

Wagner created the Gendel character back in 1982 and over the years the character has evolved to span centuries and some of the most interesting and thought provoking stories ever put into comics. The Grendel character started with Hunter Rose and his fight against the wolf Argent. After the death of Hunter the next grendel to arise was Christine Spar, Hunter's grandaughter, who took up the mantel when her son was kidnapped by a vampire kabuki actor. The next Grendel, if only for a span of weeks was Brian li Sung, the boyfriend of Christine Spar, who died during her battle with the vampire. Brian took up the mask for revenge and was killed shortly after. After the span of centuries the story continues with Eppy Thatcher, an addled drug addict trying to upset the status quo. After another passage of time we come into the time of the Grendelkhan and then that of Grendel Prime. There is just too much to really go into detail. There are over 100 various issues of Grendel and most can be located easily at your local comic shop. Though some of the earliest Comico and Primer issues might be a little harder to find. You can check out matt Wagner's official site here.

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