It appears that 20th Century Fox and Universal have sealed the deal for the Halo movie. The two studios are reported to have paid Microsoft $5 million against 10% of the movies gross. Alex Garland, who wrote the initial script (and also wrote 28 Days Later) will now start doing rewrites. No directors or cast have been announced yet, but they will be aiming for a summer 2007 release. Now, this could be a great movie is done correctly. Lets not waste money on hiring The Rock or someone for Master Chief. We never see the Chiefs' face anyway so any actor could fit the role, all they need is a good voice. You could even have the voice actor from the game do the lip work and have anyone wear the suit. This would have to be a monster CGI movie, right up there on par with a Star Wars special effects budget. You know they have high hopes for the movie, and the studios are probably looking at the games sales of over $600 million as a pretty good standing fan base for any production. Now we just have to sit around and wait for news to start trickling out of Hollywood. Who will direct ? Who will star ? Will it be a mix of Halo and Halo 2 stories ? Time will only tell.
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