Movie and Comic Geekdom is all aflutter today with the release of the r-rated 300 trailer that appeared on YouTube. The trailer of coarse is amazing, and I saw the moie last night it it is truly a great movie (we will cover that later), but the big interest is the brief image inserted at the 1 minute 52 second mark of the trailer. That image is no other than Rorshach from the Watchmen series that is supposed to by Director Zach Snyders next project. He has stated that it is just a test image, but come-on,,,,it is way cool. It will probably be done like 300 and Sin City with heavy use of green screen. Zac Snyder will definatly be the director to pull this project off. After the remake of Dawn of the Dead, and now the amazing 300, he has solidified himself as one of the best new directors in town.
So here it is, our first look at Watchmen made flesh (or test-flesh if you will)
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