Thursday, July 07, 2005

New Halo 2 Maps Are Out.

The new map pack for Halo 2 is now officially released. You can purchase the game disc from any retailer for about $19.99 and it includes all 9 new maps, a bonus cinematic, a behind the scenes feature and all the past auto-updates that were sent over Live. Those who has access to Live can download the latest 5 maps for $11.99 via the downloadable content screen. If you are the patient type you can wait and all the maps will be available for free on live after August 30th. 4 of the maps where released on Live last month, the newest maps are Gemini, Relic, Elongation, Terminal and Backwash. All the maps offer something different and all are a welcome edition (except maybe for Gemini which is just like a bigger Midship) and will greatly add the the life of Halo 2. On July 11th the first 4 maps will be moved into the matchmaking free play lists and the 5 new ones will be available for play in the "preview" play lists. Bungie has also announced that a new auto-update will be coming out shortly which should help alleviate the problem of cheaters using hacked game files.

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