Friday, September 09, 2005

DVD Of The Week.....LOST.

On Tuesday September 06 the surprise hit of the 2004-2005 TV season was released on DVD. Created by Damon Lindelof and JJ Abrams, Lost took TV audience by storm and garnered some of the highest ratings of any show on TV. The show was presented on ABC and kept you on the edge of your seat until the following week.

The Complete First Season DVD set contains all 24 episodes on 7 DVD's. The set also includes tons of extras which range from commentary on choice episodes to over 12 featurettes.

The show itself is an unparalleled achievement compared to any TV show out today. Being able to watch the entire series start to finish makes you realize how complicated and twisting the story really is. This is one of those series you can watch over and over again. The 2nd season starts on ABC on September 21st, so you can pick up the DVD set now and be ready for the next adventures of these modern-day castaways.

What's in that darn hatch ????????????

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