Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Red vs Blue Season 4 Online !

Rooster Teeth Productions has officially started season 4 of their hilarious series Red vs Blue. Episodes 58 and 59 are now online on the download page here. I must say that #58 is one of the funniest episodes I have seen yet (hairy plumbers and all) and #59 follows right behind with some great gags. The guys at Rooster Teeth never fail to impress, with each episode getting better and better. You can purchase seasons 1,2 and 3 on DVD from the store page on their website, or you can still find them online by searching google.

For those not familiar with the series, it chronicles the battle between the Red Army and the Blue Army. (Except in later episodes where both sides finally join) The whole series is done using the Halo and Halo2 game engine. The voice acting is spot on and some of the funniest one-liners hit you one after another. The episodes do feature some "colorful language", but the website does offer censored versions at times. The series has won many awards since it's start. Even if you are not a Halo fan, this is a great series to check out.

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