Saturday, September 10, 2005

Thundercats DVD Recall .

If you purchased the Thundercats Season 1 Vol 1 DVD set you may have noticed the mistake in the second episode. The episode titled " The Unholy Alliance" is missing the background musical score on the English track. Warner Bros. has decided to replace the disk with a corrected one for those interested. You can contact Warner Bros. at 1-800-553-6937 for directions on making the exchange. They will send you a self-addressed envelope to mail the disk in, and a new one will arrive in about 4-6 weeks.


Anonymous said...
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Tickles_Tapeworm said...

Why do I not have this???

I think they've pretty much released every cartoon I've ever seen on DVD. I mean, there's a Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors DVD out there. Hmmm, I need to google M.A.S.K. now...
