Monday, July 10, 2006

A Long Strange Trip...................

It has been awhile since this blog has been updated. A lot has been going on in the past months that has kept me busy, and I must admit to a certain degree of laziness also. One of the major developments has been that my little girl (I guess 20 is not little, but she will always be my little girl) has gotten engaged and is set to be married next year. You never realize how much has to be done to plan a wedding, even 1 year before the date. That along with some honey-do projects and assorted Holiday/Vacations, has kept me away from my keyboard and updates. By now I am sure that my readership has been reduced to zero (loosing that 1 steady reader has been a blow). So updates start again today and I plan on branching out into some other topics than just the movies and TV that have dominated. Sure there will be movie items still, especially with Spidey 3, Transformers, Ghost Rider and others on the horizon. But hopefully I can break it up a little, a little more personal ramblings and maybe even get my 1 reader back.

(Rob,,,,,you don't count as my 1 reader)

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