Saturday, July 29, 2006

New Spider-Man 3 Trailer........NOT.

This video has been making the rounds online. It is toted as a new trailer, but has not been officially released by Sony. I appears that it is a "fan-made" trailer because of the old scenes mixed in with the new and some of the special effects seem pre-production. If you really look at it you can see that the Goblin scenes are from the first movie ,but the Goblin costume color has been changed. Also the JJJ scene is the one from the first movie, with the publicity still of Sandman on the cover of the paper. It is a good job, and will be cool if Venom does look that good. I could also swear that one of the Venom scenes is super-imposed over a Pumpkinhead scene.
Spider Man 3


christine said...

some of those scenes aren't even of Tobey. they're Topher Grace from That 70s Show. people have way too much time on their hands to be making fake trailers, but it's good for a laugh. i liked the alien at the end.

Anonymous said...

Is it just me or is Tobey Maguire miscast? Below average face and such a jerk. Really.