Sunday, September 11, 2005

Ghost Rider Posters.

Here is a quick look at two of the new posters for the Ghost Rider movie. This comic adaptation looks very promising , with a very star-studded cast which includes Nic Cage, Eva Mendes, Sam Elliott and Peter Fonda. It is directed by Mark Johnson with a script by comic movie master David Goyer. Early shots from the film look good, except for the bad hairpiece cage seems to be wearing when he is Johnny Blaze. For a good look at the bike and a set shot check out my earlier Ghost Rider post in this blog. The release date was recently moved up, so the release date is now July 14 2006.


adriantai said...

i used to read & collect comics. i think it is about time they made Ghost Rider.
Keep it up! :)
Wonder if someone will ever do Warriors of Plasm or even Dark Dominion (both by Jim Shooter)...

Tickles_Tapeworm said...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but that looks like the modern age Ghost Rider with the old one's bike...