It's been so long since I posted that I thought I would do a little movie catch-up first.
Super-Man Returns : Went to see this with my boy at the local theater for the first showing on the release day. I was surprised to find the theater only half full. When we saw X-men it was packed to the gills. Superman is much more iconic than the X-Men, but I guess movie goers don't see it the same way as me. I have waited a long time to see this movie, and when it started I had that same feeling of when I saw the original star Wars, or even the 1st Super-man movie. As soon as that S symbol appears on the screen and titles start. It was like going back to being a kid again. This movie takes place 5 years after Superman has left earth to search out Krypton and now returns to a world that has learned to live without him. This movie really had it all. Action, comedy and the little heart-string pulls. Just like Batman Begins revived that franchise, Superman returns does the same for the big blue boyscout. We had more fun watching Superman than we did at X-men.
Pirates of the Caribbean : Dead Man's Chest : When the first Pirates movie came out it was unique. We hadn't seen a true pirate move in a long time, and add the amazing performance by Keith Richards,,,,oops,,I mean Johnny Depp, and you had a blockbuster. Pirates 2 is again a winner. It is rare when a sequel can be matched up to the original, but this movie does it. The action is stepped up several notches and the special effects, especially those for Davey Jones's organic crew are truly amazing. Once again Jack is in trouble and his (so-called) friends turn up to help and hinder. This was another 1st showing when the theater was only half filled, but with the record breaking opening it had (beat spider-man's record), the overall show-up was great. Many people in the theater where disappointed with the ending, but just remember that the next installment,
At Worlds End is already made and only months away.
On the Trailer front, 2 stand at the top of the heap.
Transformers is set for release on 7/4/2007 and the teaser trailer has now been released. We don't get to see any actual robots in disguise, but after all it is just a teaser for a movie still 1 year away. The coolest part of the trailer is the transforming titles at the end. It is interesting that Michael bay already came forward and said that none of the footage from the teaser is in the movie, it was shot exclusively for the teaser film. You can view the trailer

Probably the biggest and most talked about trailer has been the one for
Spider-Man 3. This trailer really touches upon all the questions that fans have been asking for months, and still doesn't really clear anything up for us. Yes we see Spidey in the black costume and even get to see the symboite in motion (whether it will be an alien or earthbound creature is not yet known), a great shot of Sandman is shown and a very quick look at Topher Grace who is reported to be Venom. The trailer is very fast paced with shots of the main and several supporting characters. The 2 scenes of the new Green Goblin are very quick and even slowed down it is hard to make out what the costume looks like. Sam Raimi has yet to disappoint us with his Spidey movies. The trailer can be seen
here in several different formats.