Monday, April 25, 2005

DVD Give-away update and HALO 2 Maps.

Only 6 more days to get your entry in for the DVD give-away of Caddyshack. So far I have 36 entries and the winner will be posted on May 1st, so keep watching this site. I am working on a new give-away prize for May.

On a gaming note, the first 4 of the new HALO 2 multi-player maps will be released today starting about 9am. They will start branching out to all servers, so everyone should be able to get them before the end of the day. Downloads may run slow so be patient. 2 of the maps will be free, with 2 more costing $5.99. The new maps will only be available for custom play until next Monday when the new playlist update comes out. After that the 2 free maps will be in the playlist. If you are the patient type (which I am not) you can wait until June 28th when all the new maps will be free on XBOX live.

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