Friday, April 01, 2005

The Horrible Addiction Of HALO 2 !!

Some people are addicted to drugs, others to drink, my horrible addiction is to Halo 2. Recently this darn game has been taking up way too much of my time. Yes, I won't deny that it is outrageously fun to play and watch, but when I can start playing at about 7pm and then look at my watch again and it is suddenly 1am,I know I am in deep trouble. I do have to give Bungie and Microsoft credit for creating a game that has taken the world by storm. I am sure by now everyone has at least heard of the Halo games, if not played them. Halo 2 is the much awaited sequel to HALO Combat Evolved that was a original XBOX launch title and is probably the biggest reason for the XBOXs original success. Halo 2 was released in Nov 2004 and was greeted with lines of fans waiting to purchase a copy, some waiting all night. Halo 2 is in short a masterpiece of gaming technology. The single player campaign may have been short and many where very upset with the cliff-hanger ending, but it is just beautiful to see.

The big draw though, and the reason this game will be around for years to come is the multiplayer game play via XBOX live. This online content is the heart and soul of this game. Bungie has outdone themselves with creating a user friendly interface for all gamers. Gamers gain ranking the more they play and the system matches players up by this rating so that all players are evenly matched for games. The collection of maps that came with the game range from wide open huge areas like Waterworks to close-quarter shoot-fests like Lockout. Game types are varied and all are customizable including Slayer, CTF, Oddball and Assault. Bungie has also just released news that they will be making 9 new maps available STARTING in April. 2 maps will be distributed free on XBOX live to begin with, 2 more will be released that same day for a fee. The remaining maps will be free on LIVE in late summer. They also state that a game disc will be released in store containing all the maps plus extras for $19.95. This disc is being produced so that players who do not have XBOX live and for those who don't want to wait for the rest to come free on the LIVE system. A lot of people have posted on the message boards showing anger at the fact that Bungie is charging for these new maps at first, but they need to understand that it does cost money to produce new content, and in the end they only need to be patient and it will all be free by late summer.

So, as I sit is my chair and zone out on the carnage taking place on the tv screen, time flies by, my wife rolls her eyes, my kids wonder why dad doesn't seem to answer them and my fingers cramp in horrible pain. Ahhh, the joy of playing Halo 2.

You can check out all the great HALO and HALO 2 info and goodies at

"Time keeps on slipping into the future


Matt Adcock said...

You're right... Halo 2 is a life eater but now I have broken my Halo addiction - with the help of a shiny new PSP!!

Gaming on the move is awesome... Wipeout Pure delivers thrills unmatched by any other console, throw in ripping whole DVD's to a mem stick and your top albums on MP3 and you're set for anything!!

NJX70 said...

Halo 2 is an amazing game, but I would have much rather seen a halo 1.5. The number 1 problem I have with halo2 is that it was "dumbed down" to make the playing field perfectly level even if you just picked the game up for the first time. OK, let me explain. In H1 you never felt like you had taken the game as far as it would go. You could always get better and you could always shoot straighter. I don't know if you ever got into it, but I used to play halo1 over XBconnect and get my ass kicked all over the internet. That game was ballanced and fun. This new game is ballanced and way to simplistic for me. I am a FPS addict and I have taken games like rainbow six 3 as far as to start a team and get as high as number 2 ranked in the world. I tried hard to love halo 2, but no matter how long you play and how focused you are, the only advantages you can get are positioning and strategy. Not as much personal skill building.

My only other problem with the game is the proximity voice. I never, under any circumstances, want to hear the other team. If it wasn't for all the trash talking 12 year olds and gangstas then I would be able to put up with everything else. I dont' think anyone's actually going to read this or I'd continue. Check out my blog or shoot me an email if you'd like to hear me rant about a perfectly designed game that lost it's way for hours.