Tuesday, May 31, 2005

New Release Tuesday !

There where a lot of titles released this week, but most are older movies finally getting their DVD releases. Here are a few items of interest:

Boogeyman : This movie started with a good idea, but somehow got lost along the way. A very atmospheric and moody film has some very nice cinematography and use of color. The story revolves around the main character who as a boy witnessed his father pulled into his closet by a unknown monster. From her the movie has some of the biggest plot holes I have seen in a movie. Some ideas are presented and never followed up, characters make a appearance and then are gone. It's like they had all kinds of ideas for the story and nobody could agree on what to use, so they just threw pieces of all of them in. It is a interesting film to watch, but it could have been so much better. This SE edition has several featurettes, deleted scenes and a alternate ending.

Bullitt SE : One of Steve McQueens' best movie come to DVD in a 2-Disc Special Edition. Made in 1968 by Peter Yates, this movie alone changed the way crime movies would for years to come. Bullitt also features on the the best car chase scenes ever put on film, which held the top car chase title until RONIN was released. The chase even spawned a Trival Pursuit question. "How many hubcaps did Steve McQeens' car lose during the chase scene", the answer is 5. (let's hear it for editing mistakes!)

Moonlighting Season 1-2 : Bruce Willis made a name for himself on this mid-season replacement on ABC. Willis and Cybill Sheperd played two private investigators who where involved in the greatest love/hate relationship ever put on TV. The show had some big name guest-stars each week who included Whoopi Goldberg, Tim Robbins, Richard Belzer and even Orsen Wells (his last film appearance). This 6 disc set contains all 14 episodes of season 1 and 2 along with featurettes, deleted scenes and a gag/blooper reel.

The Tomorrow People-Set 1 : In 1973 The Tomorrow People premiered on BBC and was a instant hit. the story revolves around a group of teenagers who have special powers that they must use to protect the Earth. The special effects are very dated when compared to todays standards, but he stories are some of the best sci-fi based stories on TV, very reminiscent of the early years of Doctor Who. The show ran an amazing 6 years (1973-1979), and most recently had a short run on Nickelodan. This 4 disc set contains 26 episodes and cast commentary for 1 episode.

Don't forget that this is the last day to enter the DVD Give-Away for the month of May. Don't miss your chance to own the original assault On Precinct 13 DVD, totally FREE. Entries will be taken until 6am on June 1st.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

New Release Tuesday !

There are a lot of releases this week, (over 80) but only 1 really stands out. Here are a few of interest.

First off I want to comment of 3 "rehashes" that came out this week. Day After Tomorrow, Man On Fire and I, Robot where all released this week as Collector's Editions. Now I don't disagree too much when a CE comes out and it is loaded with new material, but these titles are not. Each only has 1 or 2 things added. The strange thing is that all the titles come with a free movie ticket for Fantastic Four. Really not a good reason to buy the movie again. The original releases are just as good.

Are We There Yet : I was very leary of this movie when it was first announced. How do you take a hard-mouthed rapper Ice Cube and put him into a PG kids movie. Well, I am happy to say that he pulled it off and this is a very enjoyable and funny family safe movie. The dvd has 2 featurettes, a blooper reel and deleted scenes. This one receives 2 thumbs up from my kids.

MASH Season 8 : Now you can never go wrong with MASH. One of the most loved TV shows is back for its 8th season on DVD. Season 8 consists of 25 episodes on 3 discs. 2 episodes that stand out on this set are "Life Time" one of the real-time episodes, and my favorite "Dreams" which was written and directed by Alan Alda and looks at the nightmares of sleep-deprived doctors.

The Aviator : This is the main stand-out this week. This wonderful movie was directed by Martin Scorsese and once again shows his love of true storytelling and film-making. He teams up again with Leonardo DeCaprio (Gangs of New York) who also turns in one of the best performances of his career. The movie covers a 20 yr span in the life of Howard Hughes and centers of his obsession with flight. There are also some impressive CGI effects used for the flying and crash sequences. The cast also includes Cate Blanchett as Katharine Hepburn, Kate Beckinsale as Ava Gardner, Gwen Stefani as Jean Harlow and Jude Law as Errol Flynn. The 2 disc set includes 13 featurettes and 1 deleted scene. This is just a wonderful movie which should not be missed.

Just a quick reminder to remember to enter the DVD Give-Away. All entries must be in by the morning of June 1st. It's completely free so jump right in.

Also posts for the rest of the week might be a little sparse. I am running around like crazy the rest of the week trying to get ready for my daughters high school graduation party this weekend. I just can't believe that my "little" girl is graduating high school, my how time flies.

Monday, May 23, 2005

The Trailer Park !

Not too many new trailers released this week, but still a few of interest.

The DeVinci Code : This is just a short voice-over teaser, but still piques your interest in the movie. This adaptation of the book by Dan Brown is directed by Ron Howard and stars Tom Hanks, Ian McKellen, Alfred Molina and Jean Reno. Filming is set to start on June 30th in Paris with a May 18 2006 release date.

Fantastic Four : This new trailer for the much anticipated FF movie gives us a lot more looks at the characters and their powers. The more I see of this movie the more it looks like it will give Spider-Man and X-Men and run for the comic movie crown. I think hearing Michael Chiklis as the Thing yell "It's Clobbering Time" will alone be worth the price of admission.

War Of The Worlds : This Steven Spielberg helmed adaptation of the H.G. Wells classic looks like it is going to be the big blockbuster movie of the summer. The new trailer finally gives us a little better view of the alien machines (which I am glad to see resemble the tripod ships of the original novel instead of the flyers from the old movie) and a very brief glimpse of the aliens themselves. The CGI effects so far look amazing, especially the scene of the freeway being torn up and the brief tripod scene where it rises out of the water. The movie is set for a June 29th release.

Stealth : This looks like a very cool movie and hopefully it will not get lost during the summer with the release of all the other big blockbusters fighting for our hard earned money. This thriller stars Jamie Fox, Josh Lucas and Jessica Biel (that's a extra point right there) as top military pilots who are involved in a program that is creating a totally robotic plane. During a freak accident the plane become sentinant and these 3 pilots must try to stop it. The trailers has some very impressive flight scenes and CGI. And did I mention it has Jessica Biel in it.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

XBOX 360. Oh my aching wallet !

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Well there it is. I already have my Christmas present picked out and it is the new XBOX 360. Microsoft premiered their next gen system on MTV last week and really showed it off during E3. The sleek new box has loads of improvements over the old system and lots of bells and whistles for all of us gaming geeks. Some of the highlights included wireless controllers, a removable 20GB hardrive and USB ports. There is even a main button on the controller that lets you turn the system on and off from the comfort of your lazy-boy. Now I won't even get that bit off exercise from walking back and forth to turn on the system. Also Microsoft announced during E3 that it will be backward compatible to play original XBOX games. They are even making the front plate removable, and customizable plates you can buy or make yourself. Finally a little nod to modders. The final price has not been announced yet but most believe it will be around $350.00. So that means I need to start stuffing my piggy bank now, and try to come up with a really good reason to tell my wife why I "really" need this new system.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Star Wars Ep III:Revenge Of The Sith

***Spoiler Free***

After submitting us to a lack-luster story and JarJar in Ep I and then to some horrid acting in EP II, george Lucas has finally redeemed himself with EP III:Revenge Of The Sith. What an amazing movie. This was the Star Wars movie that every fan has been waiting for. The movie starts out with action and some comediac elements to help offset the dark tones taken on later in the movie. Once again we are treated to grand space battles and the greatest assortment of saber duels from any of the episodes. The special effects are amazing and seamless, the best yet. Lucas did manage to tie up most of the loose ends and tie the movie directly into EP IV. I do not want to give away any spoilers because there are people who have not had the chance to see it yet, but I would like to make a few observations and comments.

-You really needed to watch the Clone Wars cartoons on Cartoon Network to really understand the set up to this movie. They did run all 25 episodes a few days before the release. In the cartoon it introduces Grievous and his encounters with the Jedi, it covers Anakin becoming a Knight and some of his adventures and presents the whole droid invasion of Corsecant and the abduction of Palpatine.

-Even after 2 movies the interactions between Anakin and Padme still seem stiff and forced. Hayden and Portman have given great performances in other movies. What happened here?

-This is a dark movie, well on par with Empire. Violence is present in 90% of the movie, but not overdone like a typical action movie. All actions are done for story progression and with consequence. Several scenes and setups are disturbing (a few made my 10 yr old son grab my arm at times) but really make you understand Anakins descent.

-General Grievous is a great new character created by Lucas, but is limited to probably under 10 minutes of total screen time. A shame for a very visual and imposing figure.

-Why is it that Yoda can hardly walk around and groans when hes trodding along with his little cane, but once he turns on that lightsaber he goes all ninja gaiden on us and is jumping around like toad on speed.

-I just don't think it is fair the Leia grew up all pampered and princessy and poor Luke had to grow up on a sand-ball being a moisture-farmer. Maybe if it was the other way around Luke wouldn't have been so whiney thru all of Ep IV.

-Star Wars fans are still the greatest. Seeing the movie at 12:01 on Thursday morning was a blast and everyone had a great time. It was like seeing the movie with a couple hundred close friends and family. It was also the first movie I had ever been too where the management had to ask people to turn off their lightsabers before the movie or they would be taken away.

It was a great experience from beginning to end and we left the theater totally satisfied and sad to see the end of a era. I have to admit that I am old enough to say that I have been to the first showing of every Star Wars film from the beginning, and its a sad thought to think that there isn't another to wait for now. Hopefully the proposed TV series mentioned at Celebration will be up to the standards of discriminating fans and satisfy our Star Wars jones.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Tonight's The Night !!!

It's finally here, tonight at 12:02 am I will be sitting in a theater watching Star Wars Ep III Revenge Of The Sith. The whole family is going and it should be a fun time. I know that the theater in Terre Haute has sold out 6 theatres so far for midnight shows. My boy has his lightsabre all ready to go. So it's home from work at 6am, take a quick nap and get up to do some work, take another nap in the evening and then off to the theater about 9pm. I know there are a lot of people all around the US going to, so I hope everyone has a great time.

"May The Force Be With You"

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

New Release Tuesday !

Wow,,Tuesday is here again. Another big release week, but one movie stands out among the crowd. Read below for a few stand-outs and my pick of the week.

Oh yea..........ONLY 2 MORE DAYS TO STAR WARS EP III !!!!!!

Batman-Return To The Batcave : Holy made for TV reunion movie Batman. This did appear on TV a few years ago and is in fact a reunion show, but with a little sub-plot thrown in. Adam West and Burt Ward play themselves as they visit a museum where the batmobile is on display. But Holy grand theft auto! Someone has stolen the batmobile,but who could be responsible for such a dasterdly deed. Thats for Adam and Burt to find out. The most enjoyable part of this dvd are the stories that Adam and Burt tell about the series and its effect on thier lives. As campy as the original and loads of fun, this is a must for any bat fan.

The Grudge-Director's Cut : Let me start this off by stating that it always peeves me off when a studio releases a Director's Cut just a few months after the first release. It's all about money, because they know that any videophile, (me included) will shell out the extra bucks to see the newly recut film. But to tell the truth, they fully delivered on this disc. The extras alone on this disc are worth the purchase price. Some new featurettes and 15 new deleted scenes are included, but the best is the 2 original "Ju-On" shorts by director Takashi Shimizu. The movie itself does contain added material, but the most noticible will be the ending which presents a more frightening and slightly more graphic ending.

Scrubs-Complete First Season : Take ER, remove all that serious doctor stuff and deep emotional stories, and you have the very enjoyable TV series Scrubs. This comediac look at hospital-life through an interns eyes is one of the funniest shows of TV. All 24 1st season episodes are included on this 3 disc set, along with several featurettes,deleted scenes and outtakes.

Team America World Police : From the mind of South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone comes this story of an elite US counter-terrorism squad out to protect our free way of life. Oh yea,,the entire movie is done with marionettes a-la Thunderbirds. This is a good example of what happen when puppets go bad. This is a funny movie but in no way is it meant to be viewed by kids. this unrated and uncensored dvd includes a very raw naked marionette sex scene that was left out at the theaters. Like I said, there are some funny moments to this movie, but it will also be very offensive to some viewers. The dvd includes 8 featurettes, deleted scenes and outtakes.

White Noise : This is my pick of the week, even my pick of the month. This was an amazing movie that helped prove that you don't need a multi-million dollar budgat to turn out a incredible film. Michael Keaton gives one of the best performances of his life as a depressed husband who loses his wife and then gets involved in EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) to attempt to make contact with her from beyond. I have to admit that there are a few plot holes in the story, but the film makes up for this in its creepy and atmospheric presentation. This is a "bare-bones" dvd with only a few extras, so I expect to see a Director's Cut or Special Edition in the future. Still,,this is a must see. You do not have to be a horror fan to enjoy this movie. I give this my highest recommendation.

And did I mention that it is ONLY 2 MORE DAYS TILL STAR WARS EP III !!!

Not that I am excited or anything.

Monday, May 16, 2005

The Trailer Park !

Here is a new regular post that I am going to try to do about every week or so. In it I will take a look at the latest movie trailers to come out for upcoming releases. Each reviews has a link to the trailer so you can watch it yourself. Let me know what you think.

The Chronicles Of Narnia:The Lion,The Witch and The Wardrobe : It's about time this series of amazing books gets a high-profile movie adaptation. The new trailer is just amazing. It starts out slow with the introduction of the kids and just explodes with action once they pass through the wardrobe. The scenes included in the trailer are very Lord Of The Rings in nature and fit the tone of the battle scenes from the original book. The special effects are handled by Peter Jackson's WETA Workshop (who also did LOTR) and look incredible. Supposedly this is being filmed like LOTR, with 3 movies being filmed at once. I cannot wait for this release, and seeing Aslan the Lion roaring on the mountaintop is alone worth watching the trailer.

Dukes Of Hazzard : Another old TV series comes to the big screen, and this time it's those darn Duke boys. I just saw this trailer last week and it does have its strong points. The trailer has a great montage of General Lee action with the trademark jumps and police crashes and of coarse the ever popular, now iconic, "dixie" horn. The roles of Luke and Bo seem to have been changed from your good old boys to a "younger/hipper" version played by Johnnie Knoxville and Seann Williams. The role of Daisy Duke is played by Jessica Simpson, who couldn't act her way out of a paper bag, but sure does look good in a pair of "Daisy Duke shorts". Uncle Jessie is played by Willie Nelson and Boss Hog by a white suit wearing Burt Reynolds. It does look like the action could be great in this movie, but I do fear that the acting skills,(or lack of),of the cast will effect its overall appeal.

Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire : This is the first teaser to be released for the next movie. It gives us a quick look at the progression over the years of the 3 main characters and then goes into some brief scenes of the new movie. I have read all the books and always look forward to the next movie adaptation and this one looks spot on. The new character glimpses are brief, but we do get a good look and some of the new CGI, including a very impressive dragon and water nymph. There should be a full length trailer soon.

The Longest Yard : There have been a few trailer out already for this movie, but this new one is the best yet. For those who have lived under a rock for abou the last 20 years, this is a remake of the old Burt Reynolds jail/football movie. Adam Sandler takes the lead this time with the assistance of Chris Rock and Burt Reynolds. The cast also includes Stone Cold Steve Austin and Bill Goldburg and a few other professional wrestlers. The movie looks to pretty much follow the original story, and the trailer even shows the new version of some classic scenes like the breaking of a players nose and Sandler fixing it for him. This looks to be another fun summer movie.

Friday, May 13, 2005

G.R.A.V.E. Grrrls:Destroyers Of The Dead #1

I am a zombie nut, that is I love the whole zombie genre. From the classic Night Of The Living Dead to every bad rip-off since then. So when a new zombie comic hits the stands you can bet that it will fall into my grubby little hands. There is nothing better than a good zombie comic, unless of coarse it involves zombies eating cats,now there is a great comic idea.

G.R.A.V.E. Grrrls: Destroyers Of The Dead #1 is a fresh edition to the ranks of horror comics. Written by Scott Licina and with art by Ken Wolak, Grrrls is definitely a tour-de-force in visceral carnage that runs cover to cover. The story hints at what's to come in this 3-part mini-series, introduces us to 2 of the 3 G.R.A.V.E. (which stands for Genetically Refined And Virally Enhanced) Grrrls by the names of Tara Nathan-Tate "Boom-Boom" and Susan Sweetwater "Suzi Sioux". We also get a brief description and background to the "Born Again Chip" which plays importantly into the storyline. As with all my reviews I do not want to delve too deeply into story plot so as not to give away any spoilers to new readers. We are also treated to a 5 page preview of the upcoming series Project:Born Again by Scott Licina and Ollie Nome. This initial release was solicitated originally under the Moonstone logo but just before press time the creative team parted ways with Moonstone and self-published under their own Midnight Show banner. Issue #1 was released with 3 covers. 2 by issue artist Ken Wolak and a special variant by Alex Ross.

I would like to take a moment now to look at the creative team behind this new comic. If anyone out there could write a good zombie comic it would be Scott Licina. Scott is an amazingly multi-faceted creator who has had his hands in many genres over the years. As a composer Scott has worked on many projects including Alex Ross's Earth X soundtrack and the comic soundtrack for Purgatory for the late Chaos Comics. Scott also produced the new soundtrack used in the 30th Anniversary Edition of the Night Of The Living Dead DVD in which he also acted in newly filmed footage as Rev. Hicks. Scott also had his hands in the musical parody The Slice Girls. Scott's writing on this book is more like a screenplay than a normal comic story and the action flows cleanly page to page. Even pages with large amounts of dialogue can be easily followed and don't let your interest waver(hint to Kevin Smith). G.R.A.V.E. Grrrls is a excellent edition to Scott's ever growing portfolio of accomplishments. (Oh wait, I almost forgot to mention the old Dark Theatre days. For some nostalgia check out this old pic of Vlad Licina.)

Ken Wolak takes up all the art chores on the new series and supplies 2 of the 3 covers for Issue #1. Ken has been in the business for many years and has his hands on many of the top titles in comics including Captain America, X-Men, Fantastic Four, Youngblood, Kolchak The Night Stalker and Robin Hood. Ken's art has progressed over the years and I have to say that this is the best and most polished art I have seen from him. His art is crisp and clean with great facial expressions and panel use. And when the body parts start to fly, Ken does not let us down with all the gore and blood you would expect from a good zombie tale. The full page shot on page 4 of issue #1 can't help but bring back memories of the old EC horror comics. (Also a note of personal thanks to Ken, last year at the Wizard Chicago he drew a beautiful rendition of Matt Wagner's Hunter Rose Grendel for me which now is a prized possession in my display case.)

This is a book that any horror comic fan should not pass up. I know it won't be every readers cup of tea, but ya never know, ya might like it. Overall a very well done book and doesn't stumble at all like most 1st time self-published books seem to do. A well drawn and thought out story which is guaranteed to pull you back for issue #2. Scott and Ken have created a great new story and if they keep it up we could see them take over the modern shock/horror comic spot left vacant by Chaos Comics.

Hopefully next week I will get to have a interview with the creative team and I will post it here along with some artwork from the upcoming issue. Take some time to check out the official website at www.gravegrrrls.com where they have some great info and a contest to win a piece of original Alex Ross artwork.

G.R.A.V.E. Grrrls:Destroyers Of The Dead #1 Midnight Show 2005

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Only 1 Week Left To Wait !

Well, I was sitting here working on a new post for tomorrow when I realized that at this exact time next week I will be standing out in line for Star Wars Episode lll. We bought tickets for the midnight show, so me and the family will be there nice and early to get some good seats. I can't even express how excited I am to see the end of the saga. Many have compared this movie to Empire Strikes Back, which was the best of the original trilogy. Hopefully the weather will be dry and warm, so we can just sit outside and watch Ep ll on my laptop.

New comic review coming very very soon, and don't forget to enter the new DVD give-away.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

New Release Tuesday !

Wow,,what a huge release week we have for DVD's. There are tons of new movies, some oldies finally showing up, and some so-called special editions that could have stayed home. Here is a short look at some release for today.

12 Monkeys : This is a Special Edition of one of the more "understandable" movies by Monty Python alumni Terry Gilliam. Starring Bruce Willis and Brad Pitt, both who give one of the best performances of their career and gained Pitt a Best Supporting Actor nominee. This time travel/post-apocalitic/love story is just fun to watch, and watch you must. Leave the room at the wrong time and you will come back completely lost. You have been warned!

Alone In The Dark : Well, I watched this movie. Let me think of something to say about it......................................................Oh yeah, Tara Reid is in it. NEXT!

Appleseed : One of the best manga/anime movies ever made. (along with Akira of course.) This 2004 release is a reworking of the original 1988 release with some more story-line worked in and the addition of some of the coolest animation/cg motion-capture to date. The widescreen presentation is encoded directly from the HD master. If you have a HD setup this is a must for your collection.

Assault On Precinct 13 : Please just watch the original John Carpenter version from 1976, it's a much better movie. NEXT!

In Good Company : Dennis Quaid, Scarlett Johanssen and Tropler Grace star in this fun down to earth quasi-comedy about a middle -aged man who must come to terms with his new boss, who just happens to be half his age. The characters in this movie feel real and you come to really care about them by the end. There are some great interactions between the characters played by Quaid and Grace.

The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou-Criterion Collection : What??? Did I just type that write,,,there are hundreds of classics out there that deserve the Criterian treatment and this movie gets it right out of the gates. Ok, fine. it is a good movie, but that is about it. Bill Murry gives another low-key but funny performance and there is a amazing supporting cast in place, but none of them ever get to develop into true characters. Its like gathering the greatest painters in the world into one room,,,,,and then making them sit on their hands. As with any CC treatment this 2-disc set has more special features than you will ever want to watch. But a CC on this movie,,,AHHHHHHH,,head...going...to...explode.....NEXT!

Nang Nak : Ok,here is my pick of the week. Yes it may seem like a strange one, but bear with me. This Thia war/love/ghost story is set in the 1860's and tells the tale of a young man named Mak, who must leave is pregnant wife Nak to go to war. Upon returning home he finds his wife has given birth to a baby boy, but something doesn't seem right. That's about as far as I will go so as to not give away any spoilers. This beautifully filmed movie takes full advantage of Thialands lush jungles and is based on a existing Thai Folk Lore that many believe is true. This might be a hard one to locate at your local video store. You will probably have to try Suncoast or possibly NetFlix.

that's it for this Tuesday. Some movies just didn't sit well this week. (I'm talking to you Mr. Zissou.) It must be the last few days of being sick have made me grumpy. Happy viewing and don't forget to enter the DVD give-away above.

"I came here to chew bubble-gum and kick a$$, and I'm all out of bubble-gum."

Sunday, May 08, 2005

New Post Coming Soon.

Sorry for the lack of any new posts. I have been fighting a 102 degree fever and feeling generally crappy for the past few days. Tomorrow I will have the new give-away posted for the month of May. So check back. And hopefully I will get some new posts started also.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

The Hitchhicker's Guide To The Galaxy review.

Last week on Friday I trudged out in the rain to see the first showing of The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy. As I stated before I went into this movie with a open mind, torn between my love of the original story and some of the negative reviews that had come out from screenings. Well, needless to say all my fears disappeared within the first 2 minutes of the movie. The opening credit song "So Long and Thanks For All The Fish", song by dolphins, was like watching a Monty Python rerun, it was hilarious. I could tell at this point that the theatre was split up into two groups. Those that had read the books and got it, and those who had never heard of it before and were wondering what they had just spent their $7.50 on.

Fans of the books will not be disappointed. Garth Jennings direction of the script originally started by Douglas Adams himself follows all the points given in the book. A slight mash of the several books, a lot is covered in this screenplay. Some slight changes come in the form of a character created by Adams for the movie to act as the quasi-villain, Humma Kavula played by John Malkovich. The other change is the character of Trillion, who is escalated from a side character to a main love interest torn between Arthur and Zaphod. Shot entirely in the UK and with a cast that fits every role to a tee, this couldn't have been made any better. the re-creation of scenes from the book are spot-on and sometimes even better than you could have imagined. And I wasn't the only one in the theatre able to recite lines as they played across the screen. The chemistry between Arthur (Martin Freeman) and Ford (Mos Def) is great, and their interaction on screen makes you believe that these guys are old friends. Zaphod is played to the extreme by Sam Rockwell, sometimes over the top, but never more than you would expect from the President of the Universe. The Vogons (created by Jim Henson Studios) are huge and have great expression and some of the funniest moments in the movie, especially when during a battle Ford chases them away with a towel and when they chase him back he closes a small wooden gate at which point they sigh and state they must go back and go around. Even the use of the Improbability Drive is shown in great scenes with the Heart Of Gold changing shape and how it effects those inside.( Used to great effect in a scene completely played out with all the characters as yarn dolls).

The only negative thing I would say, and this is my point of view, I would have liked to see more use of the guide throughout the movie. What we saw of it only made you want more and more entries shown on screen. And the movie ends with a bang, as the Heart Of Gold jumps it takes several shapes, the last being the image of Douglas Adam's face for a fleeting moment on the screen. A fitting tribute to the man who died too young, and never got to see his work finally on the silver screen. I am sure he would have been very proud. "Don't Panic!"

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

New Release Tuesday !

Another 40 plus DVD release week, so here are some stand-outs from the crowd.

National Treasure : Nicolas cage stars in this fun action-adventure that owes a lot of its kick to Raiders Of The Lost Ark and The DaVinci Code. Cage's character is in search of the long lost treasure of the Knights Templar which was secreted away by the Freemasons. Along the way he must steal the Declaration Of Independence which has secret clues to the treasures where-abouts on the back. This is a outlandish, far-fetched adventure, but is very enjoyable and Nicolas Cage once again shows that his characters enthusiasm can carry a movie along. The disc contains 3 featurettes, deleted scenes and a alternate ending.

SpaceBalls SE : Spaceballs finally gets the SE treatment (and right before the new Star Wars, hmmm). this 2 disc sets features a nice new transfer of the movie that mel Brooks made back in 1987 to parody Star Wars. Starring Bill Pullman as Lone Star, John Candy as Barf and Rick Moranis as Dark Helmet. This movie is just down right funny from beginning to end. From Dark Helmet's order to go to "ludicrous speed" to Yogart's teachings of "the Schwartz". the 2nd disc has several featurettes, 2 galleries and a great documentary. And beware of Pizza The Hut.

Star Trek Enterprise Complete 1st Season : Another great TV series falls to the network chopping block. This prequel to to the original Star Trek chronicles the adventures of the very first Enterprise crew 150 years before the 1st TV series. Led by Captain Archer (Scott Bakula of Quantum Leap fame) this show presented the most "human" crew evr in the history of the show. This crew wasn't long time Starfleet grads or space-farers, these where men and women exposed to space for the first time, and on several occasions with equipment that just doesn't seem to want to work correctly. And of coarse lets not forget T'Pol (Jolene Blalock) who proved that Vulcans can look hot when squeezed into a silver catsuit. This multi-disc set features several featurettes, deleted scenes and outakes.

Phantom Of The Opera SE : This 2 disc sets brings the big screen version of Andrew Lloyd Webber's award winning stage musical right into your living room. This is a wonderful looking movie with gorgeous sets and a amazing use of color and mood. If you enjoyed the stage version you will like this version, which makes the transition quite painless and doesn't fall into the dirt like Chicago did in its translation. The main reason to see this movie is Emmy Rossum. her portrayal of Christine Daae is spot-on and her singing "Wishing You Were here Somehow" is well worth the price of purchase or rental.

The Partridge Family Complete 1st Season : Come on,,,it's David Cassidy singing and everyone else acting like they can sing. What more can you ask for? This four disc set contains the whole 1st season. See Keith sing, see Lori get mad at Keith, see Danny get in trouble and watch everyone else stand around like a deer blinded by headlights. And that's just the 1st episode.

"So,I see your Schwartz is as big as mine." -Dark Helmet

Monday, May 02, 2005

1st Official DVD Give-Away WINNER !!

First off I want to say thank you to all the readers who entered my give-away. By yesterday I had a total of 127 enteries, which just blew me away. This was my first go at this and I am amazed with the response. So now the winner is (place drum roll here) Dave Walker aka Lockjaw The Ogre. Dave will be recieving his DVD this week.

Again thanks to all for entering and keep checking back. A new give-away will be posted next week. This month will be another DVD, and just as a small hint, it's one of John Carpenter's best movies (no it's not Halloween).