Monday, May 23, 2005

The Trailer Park !

Not too many new trailers released this week, but still a few of interest.

The DeVinci Code : This is just a short voice-over teaser, but still piques your interest in the movie. This adaptation of the book by Dan Brown is directed by Ron Howard and stars Tom Hanks, Ian McKellen, Alfred Molina and Jean Reno. Filming is set to start on June 30th in Paris with a May 18 2006 release date.

Fantastic Four : This new trailer for the much anticipated FF movie gives us a lot more looks at the characters and their powers. The more I see of this movie the more it looks like it will give Spider-Man and X-Men and run for the comic movie crown. I think hearing Michael Chiklis as the Thing yell "It's Clobbering Time" will alone be worth the price of admission.

War Of The Worlds : This Steven Spielberg helmed adaptation of the H.G. Wells classic looks like it is going to be the big blockbuster movie of the summer. The new trailer finally gives us a little better view of the alien machines (which I am glad to see resemble the tripod ships of the original novel instead of the flyers from the old movie) and a very brief glimpse of the aliens themselves. The CGI effects so far look amazing, especially the scene of the freeway being torn up and the brief tripod scene where it rises out of the water. The movie is set for a June 29th release.

Stealth : This looks like a very cool movie and hopefully it will not get lost during the summer with the release of all the other big blockbusters fighting for our hard earned money. This thriller stars Jamie Fox, Josh Lucas and Jessica Biel (that's a extra point right there) as top military pilots who are involved in a program that is creating a totally robotic plane. During a freak accident the plane become sentinant and these 3 pilots must try to stop it. The trailers has some very impressive flight scenes and CGI. And did I mention it has Jessica Biel in it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't forget Amelie's Audrey Tautou as Sophie Neveu in the DaVinci Code. She's the reason I'm really excited about this movie. Seriously, that is one damn good cast.