Tuesday, May 31, 2005

New Release Tuesday !

There where a lot of titles released this week, but most are older movies finally getting their DVD releases. Here are a few items of interest:

Boogeyman : This movie started with a good idea, but somehow got lost along the way. A very atmospheric and moody film has some very nice cinematography and use of color. The story revolves around the main character who as a boy witnessed his father pulled into his closet by a unknown monster. From her the movie has some of the biggest plot holes I have seen in a movie. Some ideas are presented and never followed up, characters make a appearance and then are gone. It's like they had all kinds of ideas for the story and nobody could agree on what to use, so they just threw pieces of all of them in. It is a interesting film to watch, but it could have been so much better. This SE edition has several featurettes, deleted scenes and a alternate ending.

Bullitt SE : One of Steve McQueens' best movie come to DVD in a 2-Disc Special Edition. Made in 1968 by Peter Yates, this movie alone changed the way crime movies would for years to come. Bullitt also features on the the best car chase scenes ever put on film, which held the top car chase title until RONIN was released. The chase even spawned a Trival Pursuit question. "How many hubcaps did Steve McQeens' car lose during the chase scene", the answer is 5. (let's hear it for editing mistakes!)

Moonlighting Season 1-2 : Bruce Willis made a name for himself on this mid-season replacement on ABC. Willis and Cybill Sheperd played two private investigators who where involved in the greatest love/hate relationship ever put on TV. The show had some big name guest-stars each week who included Whoopi Goldberg, Tim Robbins, Richard Belzer and even Orsen Wells (his last film appearance). This 6 disc set contains all 14 episodes of season 1 and 2 along with featurettes, deleted scenes and a gag/blooper reel.

The Tomorrow People-Set 1 : In 1973 The Tomorrow People premiered on BBC and was a instant hit. the story revolves around a group of teenagers who have special powers that they must use to protect the Earth. The special effects are very dated when compared to todays standards, but he stories are some of the best sci-fi based stories on TV, very reminiscent of the early years of Doctor Who. The show ran an amazing 6 years (1973-1979), and most recently had a short run on Nickelodan. This 4 disc set contains 26 episodes and cast commentary for 1 episode.

Don't forget that this is the last day to enter the DVD Give-Away for the month of May. Don't miss your chance to own the original assault On Precinct 13 DVD, totally FREE. Entries will be taken until 6am on June 1st.

1 comment:

Dave Knechel said...

I just watched Bullitt on TCM the other night. You're right about the chase scenes being about the best. One thing in particular I noticed, was, during the chase through the rolling streets of San Francisco, a green VW bug was passed. During the next scene, it was passed again. And you know what? Dang, the same car was passed a third time. You think the director would have payed closer attention to that type of repetition.