***Spoiler Free***
After submitting us to a lack-luster story and JarJar in Ep I and then to some horrid acting in EP II, george Lucas has finally redeemed himself with EP III:Revenge Of The Sith. What an amazing movie. This was the Star Wars movie that every fan has been waiting for. The movie starts out with action and some comediac elements to help offset the dark tones taken on later in the movie. Once again we are treated to grand space battles and the greatest assortment of saber duels from any of the episodes. The special effects are amazing and seamless, the best yet. Lucas did manage to tie up most of the loose ends and tie the movie directly into EP IV. I do not want to give away any spoilers because there are people who have not had the chance to see it yet, but I would like to make a few observations and comments.
-You really needed to watch the Clone Wars cartoons on Cartoon Network to really understand the set up to this movie. They did run all 25 episodes a few days before the release. In the cartoon it introduces Grievous and his encounters with the Jedi, it covers Anakin becoming a Knight and some of his adventures and presents the whole droid invasion of Corsecant and the abduction of Palpatine.
-Even after 2 movies the interactions between Anakin and Padme still seem stiff and forced. Hayden and Portman have given great performances in other movies. What happened here?
-This is a dark movie, well on par with Empire. Violence is present in 90% of the movie, but not overdone like a typical action movie. All actions are done for story progression and with consequence. Several scenes and setups are disturbing (a few made my 10 yr old son grab my arm at times) but really make you understand Anakins descent.
-General Grievous is a great new character created by Lucas, but is limited to probably under 10 minutes of total screen time. A shame for a very visual and imposing figure.
-Why is it that Yoda can hardly walk around and groans when hes trodding along with his little cane, but once he turns on that lightsaber he goes all ninja gaiden on us and is jumping around like toad on speed.
-I just don't think it is fair the Leia grew up all pampered and princessy and poor Luke had to grow up on a sand-ball being a moisture-farmer. Maybe if it was the other way around Luke wouldn't have been so whiney thru all of Ep IV.
-Star Wars fans are still the greatest. Seeing the movie at 12:01 on Thursday morning was a blast and everyone had a great time. It was like seeing the movie with a couple hundred close friends and family. It was also the first movie I had ever been too where the management had to ask people to turn off their lightsabers before the movie or they would be taken away.
It was a great experience from beginning to end and we left the theater totally satisfied and sad to see the end of a era. I have to admit that I am old enough to say that I have been to the first showing of every Star Wars film from the beginning, and its a sad thought to think that there isn't another to wait for now. Hopefully the proposed TV series mentioned at Celebration will be up to the standards of discriminating fans and satisfy our Star Wars jones.
I agree that this was the best of the prequals, but I think that Padme and Anakin did have some chemistry this time round. Last ep they were totally false, but they actually responded to each other this time round.
Did think that "nnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooo" by Darth Vader was the worst moment in the film though.
To me, that "Nooooooooo" was the last bit of Anakin slipping away. I've heard a few people complain about that scene, but I thought it was well done. I see it as the last stage of his journey to the dark side.
I agree that Episode III is the best of the prequels, and I'm almost willing to say it's my favorite of the whole series. Call me crazy, but I can actually feel the emotions of some scenes. Tell me you can't feel Anakin's anger when he first confronts Obi-Wan?
I've never seen the Clone Wars cartoons. Now I have a reason to see them :).
(arrived via BlogExplosion)
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