Monday, May 16, 2005

The Trailer Park !

Here is a new regular post that I am going to try to do about every week or so. In it I will take a look at the latest movie trailers to come out for upcoming releases. Each reviews has a link to the trailer so you can watch it yourself. Let me know what you think.

The Chronicles Of Narnia:The Lion,The Witch and The Wardrobe : It's about time this series of amazing books gets a high-profile movie adaptation. The new trailer is just amazing. It starts out slow with the introduction of the kids and just explodes with action once they pass through the wardrobe. The scenes included in the trailer are very Lord Of The Rings in nature and fit the tone of the battle scenes from the original book. The special effects are handled by Peter Jackson's WETA Workshop (who also did LOTR) and look incredible. Supposedly this is being filmed like LOTR, with 3 movies being filmed at once. I cannot wait for this release, and seeing Aslan the Lion roaring on the mountaintop is alone worth watching the trailer.

Dukes Of Hazzard : Another old TV series comes to the big screen, and this time it's those darn Duke boys. I just saw this trailer last week and it does have its strong points. The trailer has a great montage of General Lee action with the trademark jumps and police crashes and of coarse the ever popular, now iconic, "dixie" horn. The roles of Luke and Bo seem to have been changed from your good old boys to a "younger/hipper" version played by Johnnie Knoxville and Seann Williams. The role of Daisy Duke is played by Jessica Simpson, who couldn't act her way out of a paper bag, but sure does look good in a pair of "Daisy Duke shorts". Uncle Jessie is played by Willie Nelson and Boss Hog by a white suit wearing Burt Reynolds. It does look like the action could be great in this movie, but I do fear that the acting skills,(or lack of),of the cast will effect its overall appeal.

Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire : This is the first teaser to be released for the next movie. It gives us a quick look at the progression over the years of the 3 main characters and then goes into some brief scenes of the new movie. I have read all the books and always look forward to the next movie adaptation and this one looks spot on. The new character glimpses are brief, but we do get a good look and some of the new CGI, including a very impressive dragon and water nymph. There should be a full length trailer soon.

The Longest Yard : There have been a few trailer out already for this movie, but this new one is the best yet. For those who have lived under a rock for abou the last 20 years, this is a remake of the old Burt Reynolds jail/football movie. Adam Sandler takes the lead this time with the assistance of Chris Rock and Burt Reynolds. The cast also includes Stone Cold Steve Austin and Bill Goldburg and a few other professional wrestlers. The movie looks to pretty much follow the original story, and the trailer even shows the new version of some classic scenes like the breaking of a players nose and Sandler fixing it for him. This looks to be another fun summer movie.

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