Back in the 80's I was very excited to see the new Batman movie. Like everyone else I had my doubts about Michael Keaton, but he did a wonderful job and the movie was a monster hit. Batman Returns was just as good and the future looked bright for the franchise. Then suddenly everything started going down-hill. Between the Bat-nipples and Arnold the franchise died a quick and visually painful death. Now, with the impending release of the new movie Batman Begins, my hopes are once again lifted. Early reviews are praising this movie for its visuals and its story. Christain Bale is the perfect actor to fill the Bat-suit, being able to be the playboy Bruce Wayne and the brooding Bat. The previews I have seen look great, showing us action but also the building of the interesting backstory of Bruces' travels and struggles before becoming the Dark Knight. Katie Holmes is also added for eye-candy. I never really looked at her as much of a actress, so hopefully she is not the low point of the movie. I will be going to see the show this weekend at the IMAX theater in Indy with my son and will post some comments afterward.
"Off for another night chasing the Green Fairy!"
The new Batman movie looks awesome
I think the beginning of the end for Batman was taking Michael Keaton out of the Bat-Suit. None of the following actors could do it nearly as well.
Since you say:
"I am just your average guy who loves to read,watch movies and play games. I also really enjoy writing and sharing my ideas and views with others.I look forward to hearing what others have to say, and hopefully turn some people onto a new book or movie they might never have thought about seeing or reading."
Not to mention that you're also,
"Off for another night chasing the Green Fairy!" Well, the combination of those two made me think you might like to click this LINK on my wife's blog, or not as the mood takes you, dude.
Regards, Hypatia Theon
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