Sunday, June 19, 2005

Happy Fathers Day.

I was sitting watching tv and it is funny how many commercials come on saying you should buy your dad this gift, or this gift, or even better this gift. I have learned over the years that the best gifts are those made with love from your family. Having 3 kids , I have a over-flowing box of home-made gifts from over the years. I never throw anything out that my kids give me, not even the smallest drawing. There have been times when I have pulled this box out and looked at things and remembered when the kids where small and how much each item means to me.

I can remember as a kid making things for my Dad. Little pictures or that "World's Greatest Dad" sign we always seemed to make at school. As a kid you don't really give much thought to where those items go after you give them. When my father passed away I was packing up some of his stuff in his workshop when I pulled open a drawer and was surprised to find it full of stuff I had made as a kid. In this drawer where the little pictures, the "Worlds Greatest Dad" signs and a little hand print in clay I had made when I was in kindergarten. I sat looking at these little gifts my father had received over the years and cried. Each little gift I had given him meant so much he had kept them safe all these years.

So, if you have kids and you are trying to think of a gift for Dad. Just sit them down and have them draw a picture, make that "Worlds Greatest Dad" sign or even a little hand print in clay. It will mean more to Dad then you will ever know.


Chyrene Pendleton said...

What a wonderful idea! I love giving and receiving homemade gifts - they last a lifetime!

MrV said...

You are so right I have a whole droor of stuff my dughter has made is priceless

Jackie Bolen said...

Good call...buying crap that Dad doesn't need is not so cool. Much better to do something with love!

kyknoord said...

Couldn't agree more. These pseudo-holidays (like Father's Day) are little more than a pretext for our beloved advertising fraternity to shove another dose of "spend lots of money to prove your love" down our throats.

Anonymous said...

I remember being hurt when my dad wouldn't wear the paper ties I pasted together for him--so dads out there, please pretend, even if the gift isn't really usable.