Tuesday, June 14, 2005

New Release Tuesday !

It always seems that the summer months run in spurts when it comes to the weekly releases. So this week is relatively small compared to what's coming next week.

Hitch : Will Smith stars as Alex "Hitch" Hitchens in this comedy/love story. Hitch is a dating consultant who seems to be able to help everyone but himself. Not much for content, but it does make a very enjoyable date movie.

Jaws 30 Anniversary Edition : Ok, I think that Jaws might have taken the lead for a single movie with the most edition. Here is another Anniversary edition. Once again there is no change to the movie itself, only the edition of 2 (that's right,,only 2) featurettes. The first is a new Making Of Jaws 2-hour documentary and the 2nd is a old featurette with a never-before-seen interview with Steven Spielberg interview. I love Jaws, it made me scared of the ocean for years as a kid, but come on,,,,,,,,enough is enough.

Man-Thing : Marvel Comics has had a great run with making some amazing comic book property movies with big hits like X-Men and Spider-Man,,,and that run ends here with the movie about the 3rd tier character Man-Thing. Now for any comic fan you know that Man-Thing was Marvels answer to DC Comics Swamp Thing (a much better character who also spawned 2 horrible movies). This movie was originally made for a theatrical release, but was considered a major flop and ended up on tv on the SCI-FI channel. The DVD is a R rated cut of the film. The film does have some cool visuals but nothing can really save this one.

Road Warriors-Life & Death : Ah,, wrestling. The soap opera for men.My wife picks on me every week when I watch WWE, but I tell her if I miss a week I won't know whats going on in the storylines. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. This dvd collects over 30 matches from one of the greatest tag teams of all time, the Road Warrior (also know as the Legion Of Doom). The is 2-disc set has matches form the AWA,NMA and WWF. The matches cover the early years right up to their last WWF matches before the death of Hawk. It is nice to see some of these early matches, some of which have never been seen before. Now that the WWE holds the rights to just about all the old wrestling films we should start seeing some interesting collections.

Highlander-The Raven : This Highlander off-shoot starred the uber-hot Amanda Derieux as the main character. it was a pretty good tv show, and followed closely the mythology put into play by all the past Highlander movies and series. This 9 disc set has all 22 episodes of the show.

I wanted to take a moment and apologize for the lack of a June Give-Away. The last 2 give-aways went great, but this month has just been too busy and it fell to the wayside. Also money has been a little tight after paying my daughters college tuition. The give-away will be back in July.

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