Friday, June 10, 2005

Sin City DVD Announced.

The DVD of the hit movie Sin City has been slated for a Aug. 16th release. Robert Rodriguez has always been a big fan of DVD media and in the past has produced some of the best DVD content out there. The Sin City DVD sounds like it will not disappoint. Rodriguez has said that the 2-disc set will feature the theatrical release of the movie on 1 disc and the 2nd disc will contain a cut of the movie split into its individual stories. Since Sin City was made from the graphic novels written by Frank Miller, the 3 main stories where interwoven to make the released movie. Rodriguez says that this new cut will allow views to watch the individual stories in their entirety. So if you wanted to only watch the "That Yellow Bastard" story (which alone is 45 minutes) you could. Basically allowing the viewer to watch his own cut of the film in any order. Also additional scenes cut from the theatrical release will be added into the stories. This one will defiantly be on the top of my buy list come August.


Blueyes said...

I dunno I wasnt really impressed by this so I most likely wont buy it

Wes said...

This will be one DVD that I actually purchase!

The 2-disc set will give people who enjoyed the movie yet are unfamiliar with Sin City, the opportunity to understand the whole story.

I can't wait!

Great blog by the way. You have some good info on here.

Ghone said...

Out on DVD???
It's only just out at the cinema over here in the UK.
I'm going to see it on Thursday!