Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Nintendo says "NOT TRUE" !

For the past few weeks the net and gamers have been buzzing with rumors that all of the past Nintendo game catalog would be free for download with the new Revolution game console. Well today Nintendo officially stated that this was false, and that the games would be available for a "as yet undetermined" fee. Which goes to show us once again that nothing is ever free. Still this is a good idea and is pretty cool to be able to play some of those classic games. I personally own about every game console from the 2600 Atari to XBOX all in working order, so I still have some of those games to play. But most people are not as big of a techno-geek like me so the Revolution should appeal to a lot of gamers, including those who in the past have ignored Nintendo as the "kids" console.

1 comment:

Wes said...

As good as it sounded to the consumer, I think it would have been a mistake (from a business standpoint) to allow for free downloads of all past games. I look at it this way. If I bought a Revolution and download massive amounts of classic games, my motivation to purchase new games wouldn't be as strong as it would be if I didn't have a large library of games to play. But without them offering this and without any real good info or previews on what is to come, I really doubt the success of the revolution in the Next-Gen wars.

I'm a huge Xbox/Microsoft supporter so I wasn't surprised to hear that the PS3 will not come with a hard drive. Sony has a bad rep to over promise and under deliver. I look for the 360 to be the console for the masses