Tuesday, June 28, 2005

King Kong Trailer Online !

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The new trailer for the Peter Jackson helmed King Kong is now online. It is truly amazing and makes this look like another blockbuster for Jackson. Whats nice is that unlike other trailers that come out, Jackson pulls no punches with his first trailer and lets us see Kong right off the bat. I was a little surprised when the casting was announced, with Adrien Brody and Jack Black in starring rolls. Brody just didn't fit my view of a adventurer and I just can't see Black doing anything serious. But they both look good in the trailer. Naomi Watts is of coarse just gorgeous like she always is. Make sure to check the trailer out here.

1 comment:

Meowomon said...

I looked at the trailers and thought the computer graphics to be totally cartoonish. I hope they can clean up the lines and make the big ape seem real.