Good old George must be feeling the money pinch like the rest of us, so in a ploy to attempt to get more of our money he is once again reissuing Episodes IV-VI on DVD. This new DVD set will once again feature the 1997 releases and not the original theatrical prints. I sure do wish that the originals would be released on official DVD, for years I have been viewing my DVD copies that were transferred from the old laser discs, real copies would be great. The set will feature new artwork, some very modest and not worth re-buying bonus features and several Easter Eggs scattered throughout the 3 discs. The 3 disc set will be housed in a slipcase like the last release and retail for $49.99. The release date is set for December 6th, only 1 month after the release of Episode III on DVD.
I really do not see the need for another release of these movies. If they where the original theatrical prints it would be something to buy, but why spend $49.99 on a set that is basically identical to the last 3-disc set released. And you know it is only a matter of time until a boxed set of Episodes I-III are released.
1 comment:
I hate the re-issues...he should have never "cgi'd" them up...it looks as bad as episode 1 in parts.
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