Me and the Mrs, started watching LOST just this year when the DVD set was released. For the beginning of the year we didn't have network channels on our Direct TV, so we missed most of the episodes. So then started our LOST marathon, trying to watch all the episodes before the new season started. We had a ball and it was fun just sitting together watching a show that just kept your attention and at times kept you on the edge of your seat. We finished the last episode the same day as the season premiere. Now a new problem would start. I work every other Weds and she is out every Weds night. The old VCR would come in handy now so we could record the shows and watch them together later. The night of the premier we where able to sit together at about 11 pm to watch the premier and it was a decent episode since we finally were able to see what was in the hatch, but what about the guys on the raft, whats going on with Sawyer and Mike?, wheres the kid?? All in all it was good and leave it to the writers to once again throw another strange twist into the mix with the guy down in the hatch/bunker. Now came the wait until the following weds for the 2nd episode to air. This time we both had to work and then the Mrs went out of town, so we didn't watch it until Sunday night. This was a difficult wait, mostly because we had to avoid people who kept wanting to tell us about the story. we sat and watched and then kinda looked at each other and agreed that the 2nd episode was about the worst one we had seen yet. Sure we got to see the fate of the raft crew (we where laying bets before the show on how long it would take for Mike to blame somebody for what had happened and it took him about 5 minutes to blame Sawyer), but all the hatch scenes where basically rehashes of last weeks story just seen from different angles. We didn't learn anything new about the hatch or its occupant and never once saw any other of the cast who where on the island except for a quick scene in the cave. The end was promising with a look at the others and in the preview for next week we got to see the Michelle Rodriguez character, which proves that people from the tail of the plane did survive. Even after a disappointing episode it is still one of the best broadcast shows on TV and I hope it stays strong.
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