Sunday, October 02, 2005

Star Wars Ep III Deleted Scenes--Part 3

Here is a look at the last deleted scene that I have screen-shots for. This would be taking place at the end of the movie, probably prior to Obi-Wan turning Luke over to Owen and Beru.

This is a nice scene that should have stayed in the movie. Here we have Yoda in his ship landing on Dagobah for his self-imposed exile.

And then we get a last shot of Yoda, contemplating his fate, so it would seem. This scene really helps tie Ep III in with Ep IV. We get to see Yoda arrival to where he will stay until Luke searches him out many years later.

It will be interesting to see if any other deleted scenes surface in the coming month before the DVD release in November. There could possibly be more, or these could be the only 3. We will just have to wait and see.

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