Frank Miller's Sin City was an awesome movie and it was no surprise when it was announced that Rodriguez and Miller would team up once again for a 2nd Sin City film. The new film will center mainly on the graphic novel A Dame To Kill For. It would seem that after that movie there would probably be enough Miller material to do 1 more multi-story movie. Family Values would make a pretty cool side story. Well, it appears now that we will get even more sin City goodness as the series heads to the small screen. Variety has reported that following the release of the 2nd movie, a new TV series will be started taking place in the Sin City world. The starting date will probably be well into 2007 and it is unknown if it will be live action or animated. I can see them possibly trying a adult animated or CGI series (Roughnecks) due to the massive green screen and effects needed for the live action production. The other unknown is if Miller will present new material for the TV series. If they go for 3 feature movies, that will pretty much eat up all the published material, also the tone of millers work would have to be toned down for network TV unless it gets put onto HBO or FX on cable.
And this little tidbit of information gives me another excuse to post a picture of a scantly clad Jessica Alba.
1 comment:
Have you ever seen the word "scantily" without the word "clad" right next to it?
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