Watchmen was a comic stories for the ages. When it came out it was hailed as a masterpiece of storytelling and that title still sticks today. The writer Alan Moore has always had a strained relationship with DC Comics who published the book, even to the point of backing out of a recently planned anniversary edition of the book and even nixed a action figure line. Moore also distanced himself from another film adaptation of his other masterpiece V For Vendetta. For years Watchmen lingered in development hell and every once in awhile we would get little tidbits about production or story. Earlier this year Paramount put Watchman into turnaround only months before director Paul Greengrass was set to begin filming. It was also known that work had already been done on sets and costume design. Paramount was leary of spending the projected budget on a dark and gritty comic story and it was deemed not economically viable. Now Entertain Weekly has stated that the films producers Lawrence Gordon and Lloyd Levin are in talks with Warner Bros to take over the project. This could be a very good move on their part. Warner Bros is owned by Time Warner, who also owns DC Comics, and they have a promising stable of comic movies such as Batman Begins, Superman Returns, Constantine and the other Moore title V For Vendetta which is set for release in March. With the recent influx of comic source material in movies, this would be the perfect time for Watchmen to hit the big screen.
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