Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Painkiller Jane on Sci-Fi.

Painkiller Jane, the creation of comic greats Joe Quesada and Jimmy Palmiotti, heads to the Sci-Fi channel on December 10th for a 2 hr made for TV movie. Jane will be played by Emmanuelle Vaugier who was recently in Saw II and will also appear in House Of The Dead 2. Emmanuelle stated they did not use the signature "bandages" that Jane dons in the comics, but they did give her a special jacket to wear. A jacket?? Come on, the bandages are one of the cool striking features of the comic character, why change something that is so connected to the character.

For those unfamiliar with the character, she first appeared in the comic 22 Brides and then in some solo issues. Jane has also teamed up with characters like the Punisher, Hellboy and Vampirella. Jane was a normal military grunt until she was exposed to some bio-weapons that changed her cell structure and makes her heal at a accelerated rate (ala Wolverine).

The show that airs on Sci-Fi is intended to possibly be a pilot for a ongoing series if the rating are good. Its a good character that could generate some interesting stories if thgey stick close to the source material. Hopefully it won't be ruined to bad by the TV screenwriters. Only time will tell.

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